From Monday 27th July, I will be able to start offering squash coaching in a COVID-secure manner.
I am hoping to provide lessons Monday to Wednesday with the possibility of Friday depending on demand. Time slot availability will be based around demand. Please contact me either by text or phone if you would like to start again. 07780925992
To ensure that coaching can be delivered in a safe manner, the following guidelines will need to be followed:
- All bookings for lessons will be through Craig.
- Only individual lessons will be available.
- Please arrive at the club changed.
- Please bring your own water bottle.
- Please wait outside of the Edge Leisure Club for Craig to meet you before going to the Squash Court.
- Please adhere to the one- way system in the leisure club.
- Before entering the court, please sanitize your hands.
- All lessons will be conducted in a safe environment, social distancing will be followed during your session.
- Only Craig will open and close the Squash court door.
- Only Craig will pick the Squash ball up.
- No wiping of hands to floor or walls.
- No handshaking at the beginning or end of the session.
- At the end of the session, please sanitize your hands and exit the facility.
- At the end of your session, Craig will wipe down areas ready for the next pupil.
- Leisure changing rooms will be available for use of toilet facilities, but showering will not be available.
- Contact details will be recorded from all pupils in case track and trace needs to be implemented.
- If you or anyone in your household are unwell, even with mild symptoms, please do not come to the club/venue. Follow NHS guidelines and report your symptoms to the club/venue for contact tracing purposes.